Headaches & Neck Pain
Almost one-third of individuals experience neck pain every year, and for many, this pain can lead to headaches and become chronic or debilitating. While there are numerous causes for headaches and neck pain, chiropractic care can provide relief and support for those affected.
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Back & Sciatica Pain
As many as 40% of people will experience lower back pain
in their lives, the same proportion as those who will suffer from sciatica. Not only is it distressing, but
back pain is also a primary reason for work absences among adults in America. Although both back and
sciatica pain are common, they don’t have to be a part of your life. Through a targeted chiropractic care
approach, we strive to eradicate this discomfort permanently for those seeking back pain treatment in Santa
Monica and surrounding areas!
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Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is common. Up to 26% of adults suffer from
this type of pain at any one time. That doesn’t mean you need to let shoulder pain hold you back. Dr. Roy
utilizes a cutting-edge approach, combining traditional medical techniques and alternative approaches that
address and eliminate the cause of your pain. Let our personalized treatments provide you with total healing
and prevention of future injuries.
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Wrist Pain
Wrist pain affects many people at one point or another,
either because of overuse during office work, sports injuries, or other causes. Treating this pain has to do
more than simply relieve symptoms temporarily. That is why Dr. Roy offers comprehensive treatments that can
be customized to individual needs. Traditional approaches and alternative treatments work together to get
rid of the pain. Discover how our chiropractic care approach can support your wrist pain recovery.
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Elbow Pain
Elbow pain is relatively common, most often taking the
form of tennis elbow, an overuse injury that leads to inflammation in the tendons of the joint. Just because
it is common, however, does not mean you have to live with it. At our Santa Monica clinic, we offer targeted
therapies that help you heal more quickly by addressing the cause of your elbow pain. Let our experts choose
from a wide range of treatment options to tailor treatment to you.
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Knee Pain
Fully a quarter of American adults suffer from knee
pain. Whether you experience this discomfort from a sports injury or another condition, treating it is a
priority because of knee pain’s ability to steal your mobility and physical fitness. Chiropractic care and
physiotherapy from Dr. Roy Nissim can help with techniques that target the cause of the pain and get rid of
it for good!
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Ankle Pain
Ankle pain does not have to slow you down. At our Santa
Monica clinic, we leverage traditional and alternative methods of treatment to eliminate the cause of your
pain and reduce your visits to our clinic. The result? The ability to embrace the active, fulfilling life
you enjoy the most. Let our comprehensive approach help you achieve the pain-free life you are dreaming of.
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